Articles, Books and Chapters

Dr. Ghatak’s passion to write and educate the youth has led him to be a prolific author. His energy towards his writings, in his own words is “invigorating and fulfilling”. As an author of 20 books, he continues to spend extraordinary efforts in writing. His family, to date is amazed at his passion, energy and discipline to write and derive extreme pleasure from his writings, which continue to be a gift to his students and all of humanity.
Dr. Ghatak’s undergraduate text entitled OPTICS has been instrumental in establishing him as one of the most celebrated Physics authors in India among the younger generation. This text has already been translated into Chinese and Persian. In collaboration with Professor Lokanathan he has written a book on Quantum Mechanics which has been widely used as a textbook in BSc and MSc courses in India. As an expert in the field of Optics and Photonics, Dr. Ghatak along with Professor Krishna Thyagarajan, has written comprehensive and elaborate texts in the general area of Photonics. Some of the (co-authored) titles are Contemporary Optics, Introduction to Fiber Optics, Optical Electronics, Fiber Optics Essentials and Lasers: Fundamentals and Applications.
His research monograph on Inhomogeneous Optical Waveguides (co-authored with Prof. M.S. Sodha) in the late 1970s was translated to Russian and Chinese. Dr. Ghatak co-authored a book with Professor Bishnu Pal, Professor M R Shenoy and Professor Sunil Khijwania on Fiber Optics through Experiments in which they developed many simple experiments to understand the many applications of the optical fiber. He has also coauthored a book (with Professor Anurag Sharma and Dr. Ramanand Tewari) on Fiber Optics on a PC in which they developed a software to understand the propagation characteristics of the optical fiber.
In collaboration with Professor Lakshminarayanan and Professor Thyagarajan, he has written a book on Lagrangian Optics and in collaboration with Professor I C Goyal and Professor S J Chua he has written an undergraduate text on Mathematical Physics. With Professor Arun Kumar, he has coauthored a book on Polarization of Light with Applications in Optical Fibers.
With Dr. Shyamal Bhadra he has edited 2 books one on Guided Wave Optics and Photonic Devices and the other on Meghnad Saha. The second book is a compilation of articles on Professor Saha by his family members and by eminent personalities.
He has co-authored a book with Professor K Thyagarajan and Professor Ravi Varshney Problems & Solutions in Electromagnetics.
Dr. Ghatak was involved with a very fruitful collaboration with Bob Gallawa and Ishwar Goyal @ NIST at Boulder (June 1992). They brought out a small book on the Modified Airy function methodology (developed by them); the book was published by the U.S. Department of Commerce in Washington.
In 2019, he edited (with Professor Manju Sharma) a book on Journey of Science & Technology in India: A Historical Perspective.
In 2019 he edited 2 books with Professor Anirban Pathak: one on Meghnad Saha: A Great Physicist and a Visionary and the other on Lectures on Quantum Mechanics: Fundamentals & Applications.